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Mohamad Magdy

حساب مواقيت الصلاة الشرعية

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الموضوع غاية في الأهمية وبارك الله بصاحب الموضوع وكل من شارك فيه

انا شخصيا اعمل على برنامج بلغة بايثون عندما يكتمل سوف اشارك بكود البرنامج لمحبي لغة بايثون


اخوكم المهندس عدنان عبيد



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بسمه تعالى

السلام عليكم اخي الكريم ورحمة الله وبركاته

لقد اضفت التعليق ادناه على احدى المشاركات ولم اوفق لأي رد بعد

ارجو التكرم بمساعدتي مع خالص الشكر والتقدير

وفقكم الله تعالى


(((اقتباس )))

بسمه تعالى

السلام عليكم اخي الكريم

لقد اطلعت على مقالكم ومشاركات الأخوة والأخوات

وقمت بتنزيل ملف الإكسل الذي تكرمتم به وهو مفيد جدا

سؤالي هو:

هل يمكن بإستخدام الملف الإكسل ولو بإضافة ما يحتاج اضافته ان نحسب:


1- غياب الحمرة المغربية بعد المغرب واي زاوية يمكن اعتمادها لذلك؟


2- بالنسبة لآخر وقت فضيلة نافلة الفجر وفريضتها وهو ظهور الحمرة المشرقية فماهي الزاوية لظهور الحمرة المشرقية؟

وبناء على ما جاء مثلا في:

(تحرير الوسيلة للسيد الخميني قده) : ووقت فضيلة الصبح من أوله إلى حدوث الحمرة المشرقية، ولعل حدوثها يساوق مع زمان التجلل والأسفار وتنور الصبح المنصوص بها.

(كلمة التقوى للشيخ زين الدين قده) : ويبتدئ وقت فضيلة الصبح من طلوع الفجر الصادق الى أن يسفر الصبح، ويتجلل الإسفار السماء.

فهل يمكننا اعتماد الشفق المدني لآخر وقت فضيلة الصبح ام ان الشفق المدني يأتي بعد الحمرة المشرقية؟ بمعنى ان الحمرة المشرقية و تجلل الإسفار الصباح

هما امران مختلفان وليسا شيئا واحدا؟

وفقكم الله تعالى لما يحب ويرضى


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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


لقد قمت بحساب كما هو في هذا الجدول فاعط الخطاء في الفجر و العشاء



(يوم) ( شهر) ( سنة) (خط الطول) ( فرقالتوقيت) (خط العرض)

( 1 ) (5) ( 2010 ) ( 6 ) ( 2 ) ( 52.8833 )




العشاء و الفجر




أرجو من الاخ محمد مجدى التعديل في الملف excel لحساب الوقات الصلاة


وشكرا جزيلا



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من بعد اذن الاساتذة الكرام هل لا تفضلتم علينا بشرح معادلة الزمن
وقت الظهر = 12+ فرق الطول بالساعات - معادلة الزمن بالساعات
ماهي معادلة الزمن حيث اني اعرف فرق الطول
هذا ولكم جزيل الشكر

اخوكم سر الوجود

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السلام على الاحبه والاساتذة والاعضاء المحترمين
يبدو ان البحث لابد ان يثمر في النهاية عن السؤال الذي طرحته ولم يجب عليه احد وقد وجدت نفسي بعد البحث ان اجد معادلة الزمن المطلوبه وهي = L - alpha) * 4 )
وقت الظهر = 12 + ( فرق الطول بالساعات ) - ( معادلة الزمن بالساعات )
اذا عرف وقت الظهر للبلد عرفت باقي الاوقات

سر الوجود

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اتمنى من الاخ محمد مجدي او باقي الاخوة شرح هذا المقطع


ثم نحسب المطلع المستقيم ورمزه Alpha من المعادلة



((Alpha =ATAN (COS(Obliquity)*TAN(Lambda



مع مراعاة أن يكون الناتج لا يقل أو يزيد عن 360° بالمعادلة



(Alpha = Alpha - (360*INT(Alpha /360



ثم نعدل المطلع المستقيم



Alpha = Alpha + 90 * ( TRUNC ( Alpha / 90 ) -TRUNC(Alpha / 90))


مع خالص الحب والتقدير

سر الوجود

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بلغة php يوجد class معمول من قبل Ar-Php كالتالي


* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Khaled Al-Sham'aa
* http://www.ar-php.org
* PHP Version 5 
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* This program is open source product; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt>.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class Name: Muslim Prayer Times
* Filename:   Salat.php
* Original    Author(s): Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
* Purpose:    The five Islamic prayers are named Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib
*             and Isha. The timing of these five prayers varies from place
*             to place and from day to day. It is obligatory for Muslims
*             to perform these prayers at the correct time.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Source: http://qasweb.org/qasforum/index.php?showtopic=177&st=0
* By: Mohamad Magdy <mohamad_magdy_egy@hotmail.com>
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Muslim Prayer Times
* Using this PHP Class you can calculate the time of Muslim prayer
* according to the geographic location.
* The five Islamic prayers are named Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. The timing 
* of these five prayers varies from place to place and from day to day. It is 
* obligatory for Muslims to perform these prayers at the correct time.
* The prayer times for any given location on earth may be determined mathematically 
* if the latitude and longitude of the location are known. However, the theoretical 
* determination of prayer times is a lengthy process. Much of this tedium may be 
* alleviated by using computer programs.
* Definition of prayer times
* - FAJR starts with the dawn or morning twilight. Fajr ends just before sunrise.
* - ZUHR begins after midday when the trailing limb of the sun has passed the 
*   meridian. For convenience, many published prayer timetables add five minutes to 
*   mid-day (zawal) to obtain the start of Zuhr. Zuhr ends at the start of Asr time.
* - The timing of ASR depends on the length of the shadow cast by an object. 
*   According to the Shafi school of jurisprudence, Asr begins when the length of 
*   the shadow of an object exceeds the length of the object. According to the 
*   Hanafi school of jurisprudence, Asr begins when the length of the shadow 
*   exceeds TWICE the length of the object. In both cases, the minimum length of 
*   shadow (which occurs when the sun passes the meridian) is subtracted from the 
*   length of the shadow before comparing it with the length of the object.
* - MAGHRIB begins at sunset and ends at the start of isha.
* - ISHA starts after dusk when the evening twilight disappears.      
* Example:
* <code>
*     date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
*     include('./I18N/Arabic.php');
*     $obj = new I18N_Arabic('Salat');
*     $obj->setLocation(33.513,36.292,2);
*     $obj->setDate(date('j'), date('n'), date('Y'));
*     $times = $obj->getPrayTime();
*     echo '<b>Damascus, Syria</b><br />';
*     echo date('l F j, Y').'<br /><br />';
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Imsak:</b> {$times[8]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Fajr:</b> {$times[0]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Sunrise:</b> {$times[1]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Zuhr:</b> {$times[2]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Asr:</b> {$times[3]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Sunset:</b> {$times[6]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Maghrib:</b> {$times[4]}<br />";
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Isha:</b> {$times[5]}<br />";    
*     echo "<b class=hilight>Midnight:</b> {$times[7]}<br />";    
* </code>
* Qibla Determination Methods - Basic Spherical Trigonometric Formula
* The problem of qibla determination has a simple formulation in spherical 
* trigonometry. A is a given location, K is the Ka'ba, and N is the North Pole. 
* The great circle arcs AN and KN are along the meridians through A and K, 
* respectively, and both point to the north. The qibla is along the great circle 
* arc AK. The spherical angle q = NAK is the angle at A from the north direction 
* AN to the direction AK towards the Ka'ba, and so q is the qibla bearing to be 
* computed. Let F and L be the latitude and longitude of A, and FK and LK be 
* the latitude and longitude of K (the Ka'ba). If all angles and arc lengths 
* are measured in degrees, then it is seen that the arcs AN and KN are of measure 
* 90 - F and 90 - FK, respectively. Also, the angle ANK between the meridians 
* of K and A equals the difference between the longitudes of A and K, that is, 
* LK - L, no matter what the prime meridian is. Here we are given two sides and 
* the included angle of a spherical triangle, and it is required to determine one 
* other angle. One of the simplest solutions is given by the formula:
* <pre> 
*                       -1              sin(LK - L)
*                q = tan   ------------------------------------------
*                              cos F tan FK - sin F cos(LK - L) 
* </pre>
* In this Equation, the sign of the input quantities are assumed as follows: 
* latitudes are positive if north, negative if south; longitudes are positive 
* if east, negative if west. The quadrant of q is assumed to be so selected 
* that sin q and cos q have the same sign as the numerator and denominator of 
* this Equation. With these conventions, q will be positive for bearings east 
* of north, negative for bearings west of north.
* Reference:
* The Correct Qibla, S. Kamal Abdali <k.abdali@acm.org>
* PDF version in http://www.patriot.net/users/abdali/ftp/qibla.pdf    
* Example:
* <code>
*     date_default_timezone_set('UTC');
*     include('./I18N/Arabic.php');
*     $obj = new I18N_Arabic('Salat');
*     $obj->setLocation(33.513,36.292,2);
*     $direction = $obj->getQibla();
*     echo "<b>Qibla Direction (from the north direction):</b> $direction<br />";
* </code>
* @category  I18N 
* @package   I18N_Arabic
* @author    Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
* @copyright 2006-2012 Khaled Al-Sham'aa
* @license   LGPL <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt>
* @link      http://www.ar-php.org 

// New in PHP V5.3: Namespaces
// namespace I18N\Arabic;
// $obj = new I18N\Arabic\Salat();
// use I18N\Arabic;
// $obj = new Arabic\Salat();
// use I18N\Arabic\Salat as Salat;
// $obj = new Salat();

* This PHP class calculate the time of Muslim prayer according to the geographic 
* location.
* @category  I18N 
* @package   I18N_Arabic
* @author    Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
* @copyright 2006-2012 Khaled Al-Sham'aa
* @license   LGPL <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt>
* @link      http://www.ar-php.org 
class I18N_Arabic_Salat
     * السنة
     * @ignore
    protected $year = 1975;
     * الشهر
     * @ignore
    protected $month = 8;
     * اليوم
     * @ignore
    protected $day = 2;
     * فرق التوقيت العالمى
     * @ignore
    protected $zone = 2;
     * خط الطول الجغرافى للمكان
     * @ignore
    protected $long = 37.15861;
     * خط العرض الجغرافى
     * @ignore
    protected $lat = 36.20278;
     * الارتفاع عن سطح البحر
     * @ignore
    protected $elevation = 0;
     * زاوية الشروق والغروب
     * @ignore
    protected $AB2 = -0.833333;

     * زاوية العشاء
     * @ignore
    protected $AG2 = -18;
     * زاوية الفجر
     * @ignore
    protected $AJ2 = -18;
     * المذهب
     * @ignore
    protected $school = 'Shafi';
     * الطائفة
     * @ignore
    protected $view = 'Sunni';

     * Loads initialize values
     * @ignore
    public function __construct()
     * Setting date of day for Salat calculation
     * @param integer $m Month of date you want to calculate Salat in
     * @param integer $d Day of date you want to calculate Salat in
     * @param integer $y Year (four digits) of date you want to calculate Salat in
     * @return object $this to build a fluent interface
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
    public function setDate($m = 8, $d = 2, $y = 1975)
        if (is_numeric($y) && $y > 0 && $y < 3000) {
            $this->year = floor($y);
        if (is_numeric($m) && $m >= 1 && $m <= 12) {
            $this->month = floor($m);
        if (is_numeric($d) && $d >= 1 && $d <= 31) {
            $this->day = floor($d);
        return $this;
     * Setting location information for Salat calculation
     * @param decimal $l1 Latitude of location you want to calculate Salat time in
     * @param decimal $l2 Longitude of location you want to calculate Salat time in
     * @param integer $z  Time Zone, offset from UTC (see also Greenwich Mean Time)
     * @param integer $e  Elevation, it is the observer's height in meters.
     * @return object $this to build a fluent interface
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
    public function setLocation($l1 = 36.20278, $l2 = 37.15861, $z = 2, $e = 0)
        if (is_numeric($l1) && $l1 >= -180 && $l1 <= 180) {
            $this->lat = $l1;
        if (is_numeric($l2) && $l2 >= -180 && $l2 <= 180) {
            $this->long = $l2;
        if (is_numeric($z) && $z >= -12 && $z <= 12) {
            $this->zone = floor($z);
        if (is_numeric($e)) {
            $this->elevation = $e;
        return $this;
     * Setting rest of Salat calculation configuration
     * Convention                                 Fajr Angle  Isha Angle
     * Muslim World League                              -18       -17
     * Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)          -15       -15
     * Egyptian General Authority of Survey               -19.5     -17.5
     * Umm al-Qura University, Makkah                   -18.5   
     * Isha 90  min after Maghrib, 120 min during Ramadan
     * University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi          -18       -18
     * Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran      -17.7     -14(*)
     * Shia Ithna Ashari, Leva Research Institute, Qum  -16       -14
     * (*) Isha angle is not explicitly defined in Tehran method
     * Fajr Angle = $fajrArc, Isha Angle = $ishaArc     
     * - حزب العلماء في لندن لدول
     * أوروبا في خطوط عرض تزيد على 48
     *      $ishaArc = -17
     *      $fajrArc = -17
     * @param string  $sch        [Shafi|Hanafi] to define Muslims Salat 
     *                            calculation method (affect Asr time)
     * @param decimal $sunriseArc Sun rise arc (default value is -0.833333)
     * @param decimal $ishaArc    Isha arc (default value is -18)
     * @param decimal $fajrArc    Fajr arc (default value is -18)
     * @param string  $view       [Sunni|Shia] to define Muslims Salat calculation
     *                            method (affect Maghrib and Midnight time)
     * @return object $this to build a fluent interface
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
    public function setConf($sch = 'Shafi', $sunriseArc = -0.833333, 
                            $ishaArc = -17.5, $fajrArc = -19.5, $view = 'Sunni')
        $sch = ucfirst($sch);
        if ($sch == 'Shafi' || $sch == 'Hanafi') {
            $this->school = $sch;
        if (is_numeric($sunriseArc) && $sunriseArc >= -180 && $sunriseArc <= 180) {
            $this->AB2 = $sunriseArc;
        if (is_numeric($ishaArc) && $ishaArc >= -180 && $ishaArc <= 180) {
            $this->AG2 = $ishaArc;
        if (is_numeric($fajrArc) && $fajrArc >= -180 && $fajrArc <= 180) {
            $this->AJ2 = $fajrArc;
        if ($view == 'Sunni' || $view == 'Shia') {
            $this->view = $view;
        return $this;
     * Calculate Salat times for the date set in setSalatDate methode, and 
     * location set in setSalatLocation.
     * @return array of Salat times + sun rise in the following format
     *               hh:mm where hh is the hour in local format and 24 mode
     *               mm is minutes with leading zero to be 2 digits always
     *               array items is [Fajr, Sunrise, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha]
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
     * @author Mohamad Magdy <mohamad_magdy_egy@hotmail.com>
     * @source http://qasweb.org/qasforum/index.php?showtopic=177&st=0
    public function getPrayTime()
        $prayTime = array();
        // نحسب اليوم الجوليانى
        $d = ((367 * $this->year) - (floor((7 / 4) * ($this->year + 
             floor(($this->month + 9) / 12)))) + floor(275 * ($this->month / 9)) + 
             $this->day - 730531.5);
        // نحسب طول الشمس الوسطى
        $L = fmod(280.461 + 0.9856474 * $d, 360);
        // ثم نحسب حصة الشمس الوسطى
        $M = fmod(357.528 + 0.9856003 * $d, 360);
        // ثم نحسب طول الشمس البروجى
        $lambda = $L + 1.915 * sin($M * pi() / 180) + 
                  0.02 * sin(2 * $M * pi() / 180);
        // ثم نحسب ميل دائرة البروج
        $obl = 23.439 - 0.0000004 * $d;
        // ثم نحسب المطلع المستقيم
        $alpha = atan(cos($obl * pi() / 180) * tan($lambda * pi() / 180)) * 
                 180 / pi();
        $alpha = $alpha - (360 * floor($alpha / 360));
        // ثم نعدل المطلع المستقيم
        $alpha = $alpha + 90 * ((int)($lambda / 90) - (int)($alpha / 90));
        // نحسب الزمن النجمى بالدرجات الزاوية
        $ST = fmod(100.46 + 0.985647352 * $d, 360);
        // ثم نحسب ميل الشمس الزاوى
        $Dec = asin(sin($obl * pi() / 180) * sin($lambda * pi() / 180)) * 180 / pi();
        // نحسب زوال الشمس الوسطى
        $noon = fmod(abs($alpha - $ST), 360);
        // ثم الزوالى العالمى
        $un_noon = $noon - $this->long;
        // ثم الزوال المحلى
        $local_noon = fmod(($un_noon/15) + $this->zone, 24);
        // وقت صلاة الظهر
        $Dhuhr       = $local_noon / 24;
        $Dhuhr_h     = (int)($Dhuhr * 24 * 60 / 60);
        $Dhuhr_m     = sprintf('%02d', ($Dhuhr * 24 * 60) % 60);
        $prayTime[2] = $Dhuhr_h.':'.$Dhuhr_m;
        if ($this->school == 'Shafi') {
            // نحسب إرتفاع الشمس لوقت صلاة العصر
            // حسب المذهب الشافعي
            $T = atan(1 + tan(abs($this->lat - $Dec) * pi() / 180)) * 180 / pi();
            // ثم نحسب قوس الدائر أى الوقت المتبقى
            // من وقت الظهر حتى صلاة العصر
            // حسب المذهب الشافعي
            $V = acos((sin((90 - $T) * pi() / 180) - sin($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
                 sin($this->lat * pi() / 180)) / (cos($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
                 cos($this->lat * pi() / 180))) * 180 / pi() / 15;
            // وقت صلاة العصر حسب المذهب الشافعي
            $X           = $local_noon + $V;
            $SAsr        = $Dhuhr + $V / 24;
            $SAsr_h      = (int)($SAsr * 24 * 60 / 60);
            $SAsr_m      = sprintf('%02d', ($SAsr * 24 * 60) % 60);
            $prayTime[3] = $SAsr_h.':'.$SAsr_m;
        } else {
            // نحسب إرتفاع الشمس لوقت صلاة العصر
            // حسب المذهب الحنفي
            $U = atan(2 + tan(abs($this->lat - $Dec) * pi() / 180)) * 180 / pi();
            // ثم نحسب قوس الدائر أى الوقت المتبقى
            // من وقت الظهر حتى صلاة العصر
            // حسب المذهب الحنفي
            $W = acos((sin((90 - $U) * pi() / 180) - sin($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
                 sin($this->lat * pi() / 180)) / (cos($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
                 cos($this->lat * pi() / 180))) * 180 / pi() / 15;
            // وقت صلاة العصر حسب المذهب الحنفي
            $Z           = $local_noon + $W;
            $HAsr        = $Z / 24;
            $HAsr_h      = (int)($HAsr * 24 * 60 / 60);
            $HAsr_m      = sprintf('%02d', ($HAsr * 24 * 60) % 60);
            $prayTime[3] = $HAsr_h.':'.$HAsr_m;
        // نحسب نصف قوس النهار
        $AB = acos((SIN($this->AB2 * pi() / 180) - sin($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
              sin($this->lat * pi() / 180)) / (cos($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
              cos($this->lat * pi() / 180))) * 180 / pi();
        // وقت الشروق
        $AC          = $local_noon - $AB / 15;
        $Sunrise     = $AC / 24;
        $Sunrise_h   = (int)($Sunrise * 24 * 60 / 60);
        $Sunrise_m   = sprintf('%02d', ($Sunrise * 24 * 60) % 60);
        $prayTime[1] = $Sunrise_h.':'.$Sunrise_m;
        // وقت الغروب
        $AE          = $local_noon + $AB / 15;
        $Sunset      = $AE / 24;
        $Sunset_h    = (int)($Sunset * 24 * 60 / 60);
        $Sunset_m    = sprintf('%02d', ($Sunset * 24 * 60) % 60);
        $prayTime[4] = $Sunset_h.':'.$Sunset_m;
        // نحسب فضل الدائر وهو الوقت المتبقى
        // من وقت صلاة الظهر إلى وقت العشاء
        $AG = acos((sin($this->AG2 * pi() / 180) - sin($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
              sin($this->lat * pi() / 180)) / (cos($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
              cos($this->lat * pi() / 180))) * 180 / pi();
        // وقت صلاة العشاء
        $AH          = $local_noon + ($AG / 15);
        $Isha        = $AH / 24;
        $Isha_h      = (int)($Isha * 24 * 60 / 60);
        $Isha_m      = sprintf('%02d', ($Isha * 24 * 60) % 60);
        $prayTime[5] = $Isha_h.':'.$Isha_m;
        // نحسب فضل دائر الفجر وهو الوقت المتبقى
        // من وقت صلاة الفجر حتى وقت صلاة الظهر
        $AJ = acos((sin($this->AJ2 * pi() / 180) - sin($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
              sin($this->lat * pi() / 180)) / (cos($Dec * pi() / 180) * 
              cos($this->lat * pi() / 180))) * 180 / pi();
        // وقت صلاة الفجر
        $AK          = $local_noon - $AJ / 15;
        $Fajr        = $AK / 24;
        $Fajr_h      = (int)($Fajr * 24 * 60 / 60);
        $Fajr_m      = sprintf('%02d', ($Fajr * 24 * 60) % 60);
        $prayTime[0] = $Fajr_h.':'.$Fajr_m;
        return $prayTime;
     * Another algorithm (more accurate) to calculate Salat times for the date 
     * set in setSalatDate methode, and location set in setSalatLocation.
     * @return array of Salat times + sun rise in the following format
     *               hh:mm where hh is the hour in local format and 24 mode
     *               mm is minutes with leading zero to be 2 digits always
     *               array items is [$Fajr, $Sunrise, $Dhuhr, $Asr, $Maghrib, 
     *                               $Isha, $Sunset, $Midnight, $Imsak]
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
     * @author Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh <zarrabi@scs.carleton.ca>
     * @source http://praytimes.org/calculation
    public function getPrayTime2()
        // Calculate Julian date
        if ($this->month <= 2) {
            $this->year  -= 1;
            $this->month += 12;
        $A = floor($this->year / 100);
        $B = 2 - $A + floor($A / 4);

        $jd = floor(365.25 * ($this->year + 4716)) + floor(30.6001 * ($this->month + 1)) + $this->day + $B - 1524.5;
        // The following algorithm from U.S. Naval Observatory computes the 
        // Sun's angular coordinates to an accuracy of about 1 arcminute within 
        // two centuries of 2000. 
        $d = $jd - 2451545.0;  // jd is the given Julian date 

        // The following algorithm from U.S. Naval Observatory computes the Sun's 
        // angular coordinates to an accuracy of about 1 arcminute within two 
        // centuries of 2000
        // http://aa.usno.navy.mil/faq/docs/SunApprox.php
        // Note: mod % in PHP ignore decimels!
        $g = 357.529 + 0.98560028 * $d;
        $g = $g % 360 + ($g - ceil($g) + 1);
        $q = 280.459 + 0.98564736 * $d;
        $q = $q % 360 + ($q - ceil($q) + 1);
        $L = $q + 1.915 * sin(deg2rad($g)) + 0.020 * sin(deg2rad(2 * $g));
        $L = $L % 360 + ($L - ceil($L) + 1);

        $R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * cos(deg2rad($g)) - 0.00014 * cos(deg2rad(2 * $g));
        $e = 23.439 - 0.00000036 * $d;
        $RA = rad2deg(atan2(cos(deg2rad($e))* sin(deg2rad($L)), cos(deg2rad($L))))/ 15;
        if ($RA < 0) {
            $RA = 24 + $RA;

        // The declination of the Sun is the angle between the rays of the sun and 
        // the plane of the earth equator. The declination of the Sun changes 
        // continuously throughout the year. This is a consequence of the Earth's 
        // tilt, i.e. the difference in its rotational and revolutionary axes. 
        $D = rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad($e))* sin(deg2rad($L))));  // declination of the Sun
        // The equation of time is the difference between time as read from a sundial 
        // and a clock. It results from an apparent irregular movement of the Sun 
        // caused by a combination of the obliquity of the Earth's rotation axis 
        // and the eccentricity of its orbit. The sundial can be ahead (fast) by 
        // as much as 16 min 33 s (around November 3) or fall behind by as much as 
        // 14 min 6 s (around February 12), as shown in the following graph:
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Equation_of_time.png 
        $EqT = ($q/15) - $RA;  // equation of time
        // Dhuhr
        // When the Sun begins to decline after reaching its highest point in the sky
        $Dhuhr = 12 + $this->zone - ($this->long/15) - $EqT; 
        // Sunrise & Sunset 
        // If the observer's location is higher than the surrounding terrain, we 
        // can consider this elevation into consideration by increasing the above 
        // constant 0.833 by 0.0347 × sqrt(elevation), where elevation is the  
        // observer's height in meters. 
        $alpha = 0.833 + 0.0347 * sqrt($this->elevation);
        $n     = -1 * sin(deg2rad($alpha)) - sin(deg2rad($this->lat)) * sin(deg2rad($D));
        $d     = cos(deg2rad($this->lat)) * cos(deg2rad($D));

        $Sunrise = $Dhuhr - (1/15) * rad2deg(acos($n / $d));
        $Sunset  = $Dhuhr + (1/15) * rad2deg(acos($n / $d));
        // Fajr & Isha
        // Imsak    The time to stop eating Sahur (for fasting), slightly before Fajr.
        // Fajr     When the sky begins to lighten (dawn).
        // Isha      The time at which darkness falls and there is no scattered light in the sky. 
        $n     = -1 * sin(deg2rad(abs($this->AJ2))) - sin(deg2rad($this->lat)) * sin(deg2rad($D));
        $Fajr  = $Dhuhr - (1/15) * rad2deg(acos($n / $d));
        $Imsak = $Fajr - (10/60);
        $n    = -1 * sin(deg2rad(abs($this->AG2))) - sin(deg2rad($this->lat)) * sin(deg2rad($D));
        $Isha = $Dhuhr + (1/15) * rad2deg(acos($n / $d));
        // Asr
        // The following formula computes the time difference between the mid-day 
        // and the time at which the object's shadow equals t times the length of 
        // the object itself plus the length of that object's shadow at noon
        if ($this->school == 'Shafi') {
            $n = sin(atan(1/(1 + tan(deg2rad($this->lat - $D))))) - sin(deg2rad($this->lat)) * sin(deg2rad($D));
        } else {
            $n = sin(atan(1/(2 + tan(deg2rad($this->lat - $D))))) - sin(deg2rad($this->lat)) * sin(deg2rad($D));
        $Asr = $Dhuhr + (1/15) * rad2deg(acos($n / $d));
        // Maghrib
        // In the Sunni's point of view, the time for Maghrib prayer begins once 
        // the Sun has completely set beneath the horizon, that is, Maghrib = Sunset 
        // (some calculators suggest 1 to 3 minutes after Sunset for precaution)
        $MaghribSunni = $Sunset + 2/60;
        // In the Shia's view, however, the dominant opinion is that as long as 
        // the redness in the eastern sky appearing after sunset has not passed 
        // overhead, Maghrib prayer should not be performed.
        $n           = -1 * sin(deg2rad(4)) - sin(deg2rad($this->lat)) * sin(deg2rad($D));
        $MaghribShia = $Dhuhr + (1/15) * rad2deg(acos($n / $d));
        if ($this->view == 'Sunni') {
            $Maghrib = $MaghribSunni;
        } else {
            $Maghrib = $MaghribShia;

        // Midnight
        // Midnight is generally calculated as the mean time from Sunset to Sunrise
        $MidnightSunni = $Sunset + 0.5 * ($Sunrise - $Sunset);
        if ($MidnightSunni > 12) {
            $MidnightSunni = $MidnightSunni - 12;
        // In Shia point of view, the juridical midnight (the ending time for 
        // performing Isha prayer) is the mean time from Sunset to Fajr
        $MidnightShia = 0.5 * ($Fajr - $Sunset);
        if ($MidnightShia > 12) {
            $MidnightShia = $MidnightShia - 12;
        if ($this->view == 'Sunni') {
            $Midnight = $MidnightSunni;
        } else {
            $Midnight = $MidnightShia;

        $times = array($Fajr, $Sunrise, $Dhuhr, $Asr, $Maghrib, $Isha, $Sunset, $Midnight, $Imsak);
        // Convert number after the decimal point into minutes 
        foreach ($times as $index => $time) {
            $hours   = floor($time);
            $minutes = round(($time - $hours) * 60);
            if ($minutes < 10) {
                $minutes = "0$minutes";
            $times[$index] = "$hours:$minutes";
        return $times;

     * Determine Qibla direction using basic spherical trigonometric formula 
     * @return float Qibla Direction (from the north direction) in degrees
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
     * @author S. Kamal Abdali <k.abdali@acm.org>
     * @source http://www.patriot.net/users/abdali/ftp/qibla.pdf
    public function getQibla () 
        // The geographical coordinates of the Ka'ba
        $K_latitude  = 21.423333;
        $K_longitude = 39.823333;
        $latitude  = $this->lat;
        $longitude = $this->long;

        $numerator   = sin(deg2rad($K_longitude - $longitude));
        $denominator = (cos(deg2rad($latitude)) * tan(deg2rad($K_latitude))) -
                       (sin(deg2rad($latitude)) * cos(deg2rad($K_longitude - $longitude)));

        $q = atan($numerator / $denominator);
        $q = rad2deg($q);
        if ($this->lat > 21.423333) {
            $q += 180;
        return $q;
     * Convert coordinates presented in degrees, minutes and seconds 
     * (i.e. 12°34'56"S formula) into usual float number in degree unit scale 
     * (i.e. -12.5822 value)
     * @param string $value Coordinate presented in degrees, minutes and seconds
     *                      (i.e. 12°34'56"S formula)     
     * @return float Equivalent float number in degree unit scale
     *               (i.e. -12.5822 value)     
     * @author Khaled Al-Sham'aa <khaled@ar-php.org>
    public function coordinate2deg ($value) 
        $pattern = "/(\d{1,2})°((\d{1,2})')?((\d{1,2})\")?([NSEW])/i";
        preg_match($pattern, $value, $matches);
        $degree = $matches[1] + ($matches[3] / 60) + ($matches[5] /3600);
        $direction = strtoupper($matches[6]);
        if ($direction == 'S' || $direction == 'W') {
            $degree = -1 * $degree;
        return $degree;



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