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أول من قام بإستكشاف الجانب المظلم من القمر كانت المركبة الفضائية السوفييتية "لونا 2" عندما قامت بجولات مدارية حول القمر في 15 سبتمبر 1959، وأول من حطّ قدمه على سطح القمر هو "نيل ارمسترونج"، قائد المركبة الفضائية الأمريكية "أبولو 11" في 20 يوليو 1969. وفي تلك الفترة، كانت الحرب الباردة في أوجها بين الإتحاد السوفييتي والولايات المتحدة، وأجّج هذا الإنجاز الأمريكي السباق الى الفضاء بين الإتحاد السوفييتي والولايات المتّحدة. وقد وضع رائد الفضاء "نيل أرمسترونج" لوحة معدنية على سطح القمر كُتب فيها "هنا حطّت أقدام رجال من كوكب الأرض في يوليو 1969 بعد الميلاد، لقد جئنا بسلام باسم البشرية"، وقام رواد الفضاء الثلاثة بالتوقيع على اللوحة المعدنية كما وقّعها الرئيس الأمريكي آنذاك، ريتشارد نيكسون.



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بسم اللة الرحمن الرحيم


الى الأخت الغالية غدير ،،،


بعد التحية ،


اولا: القمر الصناعي الذى اخذ صورا للجانب المظلم من القمر هى لونا 3 وليس لونا 2 فأرجوا الانتباه وشكرا لكى اختى على الموضوع ...

وهذه ترجمة من وكالة الفضاء ..


Luna 3:

This spacecraft, of the Ye-2A class, was the first Soviet probe designed to take pictures of the far side of the Moon using the Yenisey-2 imaging system (replacing the Yenisey-1 used on the abandoned Ye-2 probe).


The TV system consisted of a 35-mm camera with two lenses of 200-mm (wide-angle) and 500-mm (high-resolution) focal lengths and a capacity to read up to 40 images. Strictly speaking, the probe was not meant to reach escape velocity; instead, the launch vehicle inserted the spacecraft, called the Automatic Interplanetary Station (AMS) in the Soviet press, into a highly elliptical orbit around the Earth at 48,280 x 468,300 kilometers, sufficient to reach lunar distance.


During the coast to the Moon, the AMS suffered overheating problems and poor communications, but the vehicle eventually passed over the Moons southern polar cap at a range of 7,900 kilometers on 6 October before climbing up over the Earth-Moon plane.


At a distance of 65,200 kilometers from the Moon, on 7 October, cameras began taking the first of 29 pictures of the far side of the Moon. The exposed film was then developed, fixed, and dried automatically, after which a special light beam of up to 1,000 lines per image scanned the film for transmission to Earth.


Images were finally received the next day (after a few aborted attempts). Seventeen of the images were of usable quality and showed parts of the Moon never before seen by human eyes. The spacecraft, named Luna 3 after 1963, photographed about 70 percent of the far side and found fewer mare areas on the far side, prompting scientists to revise their theories of lunar evolution.


وهذه المركبة كانت تحمل هذه المعدات :



Scientific Instruments:

1) Yenisey-2 photographic-TV imaging system

2) micrometeoroid detector

3) cosmic-ray detector


اما مركبة لونا 2 فهى المركبة التى حطت على سطح القمر واليكي الترجمة :


Luna 2:

After an aborted launch on 9 September, the Ye-1A probe successfully lifted off and reached escape velocity three days later. Officially named the Second Soviet Cosmic Rocket, the spacecraft released its one kilogram of natrium on 12 September at a distance of 156,000 kilometers from Earth in a cloud that expanded out to 650 kilometers in diameter and was clearly visible from the ground.


Fortunately, this sixth attempt at lunar impact was much more accurate than its predecessors. The spacecraft successfully reached the surface of the Moon at 23:02:23 UT on 14 September 1959, thus becoming the first object of human origin to make contact with another celestial body. The probes impact point was approximately at 30 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees longitude on the slope of the Autolycus crater, east of Mare Serenitatis.


Luna 2 (as it was called after 1963) deposited Soviet emblems on the lunar surface carried in 9 x 15-centimeter metallic spheres. The spacecrafts magnetometer measured no significant lunar magnetic field as close as 55 kilometers to the lunar surface. The radiation detectors also found no hint of a radiation belt.


واتمنى التوفيق للجميع ،،،، شكرا لكى اختى


وهذه صورة القمر الصناعى





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