عطية زاهدة
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Good-bye, "scattering Rayleigh" Unraveling the Greatest Astronomical Mystery Global, highly intense blue-colored diffuse auroras are the main contributor to the blueness of the daytime sky Abstract The clear sunward sky is nearly always blue mainly because the ionosphere is self-coloring due to its capability of being a planetary-scale discharge tube wherein global, continuous blue-colored auroras mostly from molecular and atomic nitrogen emissions, especially the emissions of N2+ ions upon being impact-excited, are prevalent almost along the daytime. Simply, the diffuse sky radiation is blue mainly because the bulk of this light is blue veil diffuse auroras Introduction From the perspective of the classical polar auroras, or by the comparison with them, we find that First, all the agents needed to operate extremely intense auroral activities are continuously present in the whole sunward ionosphere Second, all the conditions relevant to the occurrence of extremely bright, blue-colored diffuse auroras could be persistently observed throughout the daytime ionosphere Third, all the effects associated with the events of exceptionally bright auroras always appear in the daytime sky Accordingly, relatively and comparatively speaking, very bright, veiling blue-colored auroras should be continuously present in an almost uniformly diffuse state in the whole sunward ionosphere Concise Explanation and Interpretation It is known that excited oxygen atoms are responsible for the emission of the two most principal and most typical auroral lines: the green wavelength 557.7nm and red wavelength 630.0nm. However, both of these two emissions belong to the forbidden transitions (meta-stable states): 557.7nm [OI] line (1S→1D) and 630.0nm [OI] line (1D→3P). Therefore, unless the green-excited oxygen atom passes its radiative lifetime whose duration is 0.75sec without suffering any collision, it will not emit the green photon (557.7nm). Otherwise, the gained energy which caused the activation will be yielded to the other colliding particle in a non-radiative de-excitation. Also, unless the red-excited oxygen atom passes its radiative lifetime whose duration is 110 seconds without suffering any collision, it will not emit the red photon (630.0nm). Otherwise, however, this red-activated oxygen atom will be quenched i.e., the excitation energy will be released to the collision partner in a non-radiative decay Well, the blue emissions of the excited nitrogen particles belong to the permitted transitions. This means that such excited nitrogen particles can return back to their stable, ground states immediately i.e., in a time of the order of 10-8 sec or even less. So, whatever high be the density of the ionosphere, the nitrogen particles are able to release their specific visible auroral emissions as soon as these particles are excited. Geophysicists show that the blue emissions of N2* molecules, N2*+ ions, and N*+ ions generally compete with the visible auroral emissions of excited oxygen atoms in giving the aurora its predominant color http://www.itp.uni-hannover.de/~zawischa/ITP/atoms.html http://chemistry.about.com/od/elementfacts/a/nitrogen.htm Any way, respecting the blue-hued emissions of the N2*+ ions, we find that 391.4 nm and 427.8 nm lines are the dominant ones. The nitrogen molecules in the sunward ionosphere are ionized to N2+ ions by the action of the so-called solar ultraviolet photons. About 20-35% of the molecular nitrogen at the altitude of E-layer is found as N2+ ions. Afterwards the N2+ ions become excited by the collisions with energized electrons whether precipitating from the magnetosphere or produced as photoelectrons in the process of photo-ionization. Thenceforth, the excited N2*+ ions give blue-hued emissions at 391.4 nm and 427.8 nm wavelengths. Moreover, these blue-hued emissions become well enhanced by the resonance scattering i.e. by absorption and re-emission of these wavelengths from the so-called solar rays, irrespective of the original source of such rays. Thus, the blue photons absorbed by N2+ ions are quickly re-emitted in all directions. Although these processes are concentrated in the E-layer, however, their occurrence encompasses the whole ionosphere Well, during the daytime, throughout the sunward ionosphere, the different blue-hued nitrogen emissions have the chance to dominate the green and red emissions of the excited oxygen atoms. The latter emissions become greatly suppressed owing to the highly increased probabilities of suffering excitement-aborting collisions. In other words, with respect to the green-excited and red-excited oxygen atoms, the excitement-aborting collisions become relatively so highly probable in the sunward ionosphere because its density increases greatly. Comparatively, this so high increase in the density of the daytime ionosphere happens mainly as a result of the intense photo-dissociation and photo-ionization. No escape, the significant degree of the suppression of the green-excited and red-excited oxygen atoms gives the blue emissions of the excited nitrogen particles, especially N2*+ ions, the opportunity to impose their color on the sunward ionosphere According to, first, the fact that the two main aurora-characterizing emissions belong to the forbidden transitions of the excited oxygen atoms, second, the fact that the geophysicists used to optically deal with the so-described typical features of the auroras of the classical auroral zone in order to judge whether there are any auroral activities or not and, third, the fact that the most important typical feature is the appearance of visible green curtain-like arcs or bands, consequently, the apparent absence of such discrete green arcs from the sunward ionosphere either from the perspective of the ground-stationed observers or of orbit-based observers, led the geophysicists to wrongly think that the sunward ionosphere does not house any bright auroras. Inevitably, all the typical features of the classical auroras are present throughout the daytime sky, but they are embedded in the uniformly diffused, full-sky blue-colored auroras whose intensity is relatively so high to the degree of being able to outshine, drown, and conceal almost completely all the features of the classical typical auroras, especially due to the significant suppression of the two main aurora-characterizing emissions of the excited oxygen atoms. This suppression is caused by the highly increased rate of collisions. Any way, the suppression is impossible to be entire http://www.astronet.ru/db/xware/msg/123487...25_big.jpg.html http://www.astronet.ru/db/xware/msg/123423...19_big.jpg.html So far, it now is worthwhile remembering that the ozone molecules whether present in the stratosphere or in the ionosphere can contribute sensibly to the blueness of the sky. The ozone gas is naturally blue Doubtlessly, Cerenkov radiation occurring in the ionosphere can also sensibly contribute to the blueness of the sky. In addition to, we find many other different ionospheric and stratospheric gases which have their minor contributions to the blueness of the sky Conclusions The most spread, most diffused, or most distributed light in the daytime sky is the blue light. This is not because the blue-hued wavelengths of the so-called solar rays are the most scattered ones, but instead, because, firstly, the bulk of the diffuse blue light of the sky is generated in the sunward ionosphere by the same mechanisms that are responsible for the production of the light of classical polar auroras and, secondly, the overwhelmingly greatest ratio of the colored constituents of the naturally clean atmosphere is blue-colored Certainly speaking, the contribution of Rayleigh scattering to the blueness of the sky could be described as insignificant or even optically negligible. In other words, the explanation of the blueness of the daytime sky in terms of Rayleigh scattering is not acceptable at all, though the very Rayleigh's law of scattering isn't wrong. So, the daytime sky is bright and blue mainly due to the fact that the sunward ionosphere is self-coloring by the generation of blue auroras, and not at all because the air scatters the short wavelengths of light more than longer wavelengths according to Rayliegh's 1/λ4 law i.e. scattering of light by small molecules in the atmosphere is inversely proportional to the forth power of the wavelength. Expressed another way, the intensity of the scattered light (Is) is related to the intensity of the incident light (I0) by the inverse fourth power of the wavelength Is/Io = constant λ-4 However, another type of scattering contributes to the blueness of the sky, particularly, in the ionosphere. That is the so-called resonance scattering Really, on viewing the clear daytime sky the line of sight passes through the illuminated atmosphere which is formed from a transparent colorless troposphere which is about 99% of two colorless gases: nitrogen and oxygen, a transparent pale blue-colored stratosphere, a transparent pale blue-colored lower mesosphere, a transparent blue-colored upper mesosphere, and a brilliantly deep blue-colored ionosphere whose background is the black exosphere. Briefly, the blueness of the sky and its brightness are mainly due to the presence of blue light-emitting layers overlying the colorless troposphere. Precisely, this is the main genuine reason behind the blueness of the clear daytime sky. However, all the limb view images of the atmosphere photographed from different terrestrial orbits, e.g. from space shuttles, show this fact so clearly http://thewesternlines.files.wordpress.com...ans_horizon.jpg http://futurgasm.tumblr.com/ http://www.visualphotos.com/image/1x418656...pace_over_earth http://www.jpaerospace.com/whatsnewpics/me...icexplorer6.bmp http://www.bom.gov.au/info/climate/change/...ry/images/3.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/07/24/...169_468x286.jpg http://www.ucar.edu/learn/1_1_1.htm *********************************************** http://twitpic.com/5q1oib Is Colonel Wheels saying: 'Goodbye, Lord Rayleigh! Please don't forget to 'scatter' my blue and red salutes to all the Earth's peoples, but according to your law?'
Attiyah's Astronomical Twelve Bells to Awaken Two Rayleighs Abstract: The so-called solar rays we treat with and observe whether on the ground or from the ionosphere, are absolutely impossible to be originated in the Sun. Instead, in fact, they are the rays of the auroral corona of highly intense, continuous daytime full-sky auroras. Precisely, the so-called sun beams that we receive at the Earth are not solar in origin. No doubt, they are auroral in origin. They are gathered together and appear collimated by the action of Tesla effect which is a result of the capability of the 'Earth-ionosphere-magnetosphere' system of working as a planetary-scale plasma globe. 1- Because of the extinction action of the plasmas and gases intervening between the Sun and terrestrial ionosphere, especially those always found in the magnetosphere, the original solar rays reach the very terrestrial ionosphere greatly attenuated. Nevertheless, they reach the ionosphere still relatively rich in the high energy wavelengths which have a great ability to penetrate the plasmas. These wavelengths are X-rays and UV photons. No doubt, these residual, solar X-rays and UV photons can reach the lower depths of the ionosphere as low as the bottom region of the D-layer. 2- The whole sunward ionosphere persistently houses so intense auroral activities initially driven mainly by the residual, original solar X-rays and UV wavelengths, and secondarily by the precipitation of energized charged particles. 3- Owing to the formation of an integrated electric system by 'The Earth-ionosphere-magnetosphere' system, it could be said that this 'Earth-ionosphere- magnetosphere' system composes 'a planetary-scale plasma globe' situated inside the magnetosheath. In this system the Earth serves as a plasma-spouting spring which persistently supplies the ionosphere- magnetosphere couple with ions and electrons along the geomagnetic field lines. 4- The solar gravitation-caused tide creates a composite relatively densely plasma-filled bulge either in the sunward side or anti-sunward side of the magnetosphere-ionosphere system. 5- The composite, relatively densely plasma-filled bulges are grounded (electrically conducted to the Earth) by the geomagnetic field lines that permeate and thread their volumes in the geospace. These lines serve as a capacitive path to the ground. 6- Being grounded, the sunward composite relatively densely plasma-filled bulge is capable of showing a so strong Tesla effect which is able to focus or concentrate the auroral rays and streamers. This action leads to the formation of an auroral corona at what appears to be the site of the magnetic zenith, either. So, the magnetic zenith effect is intimately associated with the Tesla effect. Therefore, the formation of the daytime 'auroral corona' and concentration of its light are both intimately related to the magnetic zenith effect. Hence, being 'a planetary-scale plasma globe', 'the Earth-ionosphere-magnetosphere' system can help us visualize the ionosphere-magnetosphere couple as a parabolic refractor mirror. 7- The Sun's body, the original solar disk, about 150,0000,000km distant, always forms a far luminous background for the daytime Tesla effect-converged 'auroral corona', and for the concomitant glowing light produced in the same sunward, composite densely plasma-filled bulge by the capacitive discharges pertaining to the very Tesla effect. This means that, firstly, the so-called solar rays are not original solar rays, though they seem coming from the solar disk, but instead, they are initially originated in the ionosphere as auroral rays, secondly, the ionosphere is essentially a self-illuminating space and, thirdly, the bulk of the daytime diffuse skylight which is spread between the ionospheric D-layer and the Earth's surface is mainly a scattered light of an ionospheric origin i.e. from daytime global auroral activities. 8- Having its rays rich in deeply penetrating X-rays and UV photons, and directed earthward, the auroral corona enables the auroral activity to be a very effective self-enhancing process. 9- While transmitted by the optical fiber illumination, we find that the earthward return of the Tesla effect-focused and Tesla effect-collimated auroral rays, of course, from the magnetic zenith - this return - is intimately governed by the phenomenon of aspect sensitivity. 10- The Earth rotates inside a persistent pattern of global auroras such that, relative to the Sun, the overall configuration of this pattern is permanently fixed. In other terms, the ionosphere preserves an almost stable 'configuration of illumination' fixed with respect to the Sun such that the daytime hemi-ionosphere always forms a dome-like fluorescent lamp having a great deal of its light focused at the sub-solar site. So, the Earth completes its daily rotation on its axis such that it rotates inside the 'fluorescent lamp-forming' ionosphere which by the action of Tesla effect shows a focused light always fixed relative to the Sun i.e. this Tesla effect-converged light is continuously hung in the sky at the sub-solar site. 11- The 'Tesla effect-produced' radio waves in the composite 'solar tide-caused' bulge are relatively so intense so that they enable one to describe the very 'solar tide-caused' composite bulge as a natural, gigantic magnetospheric 'HAARP'-like installation. However, such intense radio waves help in the production of the auroral light. No doubt, the magnetosphere represents a highly effective, gigantic planetary-scale amplifier. 12- The magnetosphere as a whole shows an annual swing of 23.5o amplitude i.e. it completes a periodic yearly oscillation of 23.5 degrees amplitude across the Equatorial plane.
"ثمَّ ارجعِ البصرَ كرَّتيْنِ ينقلبْ إليك البصرُ خاسئاً وهوَ حسير"
عطية زاهدة posted a topic in النظريات والأفكار الخاصة
An Explanation for Special Relativity via the constant light speed Why is the speed of light constant? No one as yet could give a convincing explanation for the constancy of light speed. Nevertheless, some scientists tried their best. Explaining the constancy of light speed optically Can the retro-vision explain why the speed of light is constant?What is retro-vision? On entering the eye, light becomes converged or focused on the retina. As it is known, the eye lens is responsible for the process of focusing light. The site on the retina where the converged light is concentrated becomes as a new intra-ophthalmic source of light capable of emitting light making it returning back, hence, the acquired name 'retro-vision'. Virtually, the retro-vision enables man to estimate or spontaneously calculate distances and velocities. In other terms, retro-vision enables the eye to be as radar apparatus. Accordingly, it becomes clear that as long as the observer uses the retro-vision, no doubt, the source of light used in the observation always moves with the same speed of the observer himself. Thus, using the retro-vision means that whatever the change of the velocity of the observer or of the light source, the relative motion between the observer and the retina remains zero. Hence, the light speed is constant -
Attiyah's Sun Theory (1) The bulk of the daylight is generated in the ionosphere by two main mechanisms: A- The interaction between the electromagnetic field in the ionosphere and the solar photons conducted by the solar gravitational field lines. B- The aurora-producing mechanism i.e. the same mechanism that generates the polar auroras. (2) The daytime light that is spread between the ionospheric D-layer and the Earth's surface is mainly a scattered light of an ionospheric origin. (3) The ionosphere-produced X-rays and ultraviolet light are the primary origin for the energy needed to drive the global, continuous occurrence of the daytime auroral activities in the ionosphere itself. (4) The global daytime ionosphere-generated light is capable of forming the so-called 'auroral' corona which is apparently the primary source of the so-called solar beam radiation. (5) The Sun always forms a far glowing background for the daytime 'auroral' corona. (6) The formation of the daytime 'auroral' corona and concentration of its light, are both intimately related to the magnetic zenith effect. (7) The earthward spread of the light from the magnetic zenith is intimately governed by the phenomenon of aspect sensitivity. ******* Detailed explanation for item #6 that is: "The formation of the daytime 'auroral' corona and concentration of its light, are both intimately related to the magnetic zenith effect." 1- The magnetic zenith effect is essentially a Tesla effect that is capable of focusing or concentrating light. 2- The Earth is a plasma spring that supplies the Earth-magnetosphere couple with charged particles along the magnetic field lines. 3- The 'Earth-magnetosphere couple' forms an integrated electric system. 4- The 'Earth-ionosphere-plasmasphere' system composes 'a planetary-scale plasma globe' situated inside the magnetosphere. 5- The solar wind has a strengthening effect on the ion content of the ionosphere-plasmasphere couple. 6- The ionospheric plasma is the utmost effective plasma in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system. 7- The Sun's gravitation causes the formation of a composite bulge in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system. 8- Electrically speaking, the 'Sun's gravitation-caused composite bulge' grounds through the magnetic field lines i.e. these lines serve as a capacitive path to the ground. As well as, they determine its structure, and capture its relatively dense plasma contents. 9- The Sun's gravitation-caused composite bulge is normally always sub-solar. 10- The ionosphere is the main daylight-generating layer in the ionosphere-magnetosphere system. 11- Due to the situation of the 'Sun's gravitation-caused composite bulge' in the proximity of the ionosphere, 'a Tesla effect' appears at the sub-solar site. 12- Due to the ionic content in the 'Sun's gravitation-caused composite bulge', the electric discharges of Tesla effect are mainly of the dark type i.e. they generate invisible light, predominantly EUV and UV light. 13- The 'Tesla effect'-produced invisible light enhances the ionization of the ionosphere, especially at the sub-solar site. 14- Owing to the work of the 'Earth-ionosphere-plasmasphere' system as a plasma globe showing the Tesla effect, the magnetosphere could be likened to a refractor parabolic mirror. 15- The Earth rotates inside its magnetosphere such that during the daytime it faces the 'Tesla effect'-concentrated light at the sub-solar site. ======================= N.B. Explaining Analogy: Below you see a picture of a plasma globe. Please remember that the 'Sun's gravitation-caused' composite bulge in the proximity of the ionosphere corresponds to the finger in the proximity of the shown plasma globe. http://www.goldengadgets.com/media/catalog...ma_ball_4_1.jpg www.coolstuffexpress.com/store/p/454-Portable... =========================== http://www.sciencephoto.com/images/downloa...ml?id=841940797 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2498/371414..._5d386b8a27.jpg http://www.swarthmore.edu/NatSci/aneat1/de...%20ball%205.jpg www.strattman.com/products/plasma/index.htmlhttp://zedomax.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/plasma-fun.jpg http://en.wikivisual.com/images/c/c2/Photo..._Energy_Arc.jpg www.casetechnology.com/.../ http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3238/268912..._4dded2cce3.jpg http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/images...lasma-globe.jpg http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/a/8/A...v=1227297923000 www.sciencephoto.com/images/imagePopUpDetails... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_globe ******* Corollary #1: Each celestial orb has its own gravitation-caused' composite bulge. Simply, each celestial orb has its tidal effect on the geo-magnetosphere. No escape, such a tide-caused bulge is threaded by or permeated with the conductive geomagnetic field lines that ground it. Due to its almost spherical configuration, the tide-caused bulges collect dense plasma. Having dense plasma and being grounded, strong capacitive discharges should occur and generate light. In detail: 1- There is a 'Moon's gravitation-caused' composite bulge in the proximity of the ionosphere. It is sub-lunar. 2- For each star there is this star's gravitation-caused composite bulge in the proximity of the ionosphere. It is sub-stellar. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Plasmalamp.gif 3- For each planet there is this planet's gravitation-caused composite bulge in the proximity of the ionosphere. It is sub-planetary, for example, the sub-jovian. Corrollary#2: In general, regarding Tesla effect, all that applies to the Earth as a planet applies to any other planet, either. ================ How is the 'Tesla –effect-produced' light transmitted from the 'solar tide'-caused bulge Earthward? It is transmitted by the optical fiber illumination. In details: 1- The solar tide-caused bulge forms an extremely high-value lighting niche. 2- The plasma is characterized by its capability of being arranged in columns, or pipes, perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. 3- Plasma is characterized of showing a 'double layer' phenomenon. This characteristic enables the plasma columns to have cladding layers. 4- The plasma columns work as optical, crystal fibers i.e. they work as 'light pipes'. 5- The plasma columns can serve as antennas. 6- Plasma columns can show the 'cell structure' phenomenon. This phenomenon enables the columns to be efficiently ideal, optical fibers. 7- The plasma columns represent an effective means of mapping the uppermost magnetosphere in the ionosphere. 8- The 'Tesla –effect-produced' radio waves in the 'solar tide-caused' bulge make it as a gigantic magnetospheric 'HAARP'-like installation. N.B. The optical fiber illumination in the classical auroras can account for the auroral rays of the so-described 'rayed auroras', and auroral corona. As well, it can account for auroral filamentation either the black filaments or the light filaments. Moreover, the optical fiber illumination can also well account for the black and white filaments of the normal dawn. In addition to, the optical fiber illumination in the classical auroras could explain why the auroras seem field-aligned. However, the uppermost boundaries of the dome of the daylight seem field-aligned, either.
الدورة السنوية للفصول والاعتدالين والانقلابين في تفسير جديد
عطية زاهدة replied to عطية زاهدة's topic in النظريات والأفكار الخاصة
The 'Solar' Irradiance proves that the Source of the 'Solar' Beam Radiation is situated in the Magnetosphere Every day, at every latitude, the so-called ''solar' beam radiation (the solar rays) can give a decisive evidence that their source is certainly situated in the magnetosphere. Taking either the day of vernal equinox or autumnal equinox at the Equator, we find that the solar irradiance around the sunrise is about 400 W/m2, and that at midday it is about 1000 W/m2. No doubt, the solar irradiance is ultimately an expression of the beam light intensity. Hence, it should obey the inverse square law. The mean distance of the body of the Sun is 150,000,000km. Taking this distance for the body of the Sun at sunrise, the application of the inverse square law can show us its distance at midday. Surprisingly, this application shows that the distance of the body of the Sun at midday of the equinox is 94,860,000km. What does this value mean? It means that either the Earth, from the sunrise until midday, ascends toward the body of the Sun about 55,140,000km, or the body of the Sun, from the sunrise until midday, descends 55,140,000km toward the Earth. However, this is not factual at all. This is impossible. However, the mathematical explanation follows. I1 Intensity at sunrise (400 W/m2 I2 Intensity at midday (1000W/m2 D1 Distance from the body of the Sun (150,000.000km D2 The unknown distance from the body of the Sun to the site of the observer at noontime I1 x D12 = I2 x D22 400x150,000,000 x 150,000,000=1000 x D22 D22=400x150,000,000 x150,000 D22=150,000,000 x150,000,000 x0.4 D2=150,000,000 x0.6324=94,860,000km Accordingly, D1- D2=55,140,000km In fact, at most, it could be said that from the time of sunrise until noon time, an equator-stationed observer ascends about 6400km (the radius of the Earth) toward the body of the Sun, because during this period he travels only a quarter of one complete revolution around the Earth. Therefore, the difference in distance between the observer's two sites from 'Sun' is the value of the Earth's radius (about 6400km). Now, both of the two distances from the source are unknown. Let us consider F1 be the unknown distance of the observer from the source at sunrise time and F2 the unknown distance of the observer at midday. However, there is a relation between the two distances such that F2 = F1-6400 Heretofore, does the application of the inverse square law show that the source of the observed light beams is in the magnetosphere? I1 Intensity at sunrise (400 W/m2) I2 Intensity at midday (1000W/m2) F1 The unknown distance from the source F2 The unknown distance from the source at noontime ^2 I1 x F1^2 = I2 x F2^2 Substituting from: F2=F1 - 6400, we find that I1 x F1^2 = I2 x (F1-6400) ^2 400x F12 = 1000x (F1-6400) ^2 4x F1^2 = 10x (F1-6400) ^2 4x F1^2 = 10x F1^2 - 10 x (2 x 6400 x F1) +10 x (6400) ^2 Solving the equation gives us that: 1. F1 = 17412.86km 2. F1 = 3920.47km No doubt, the distance 17412.86km from the Earth's Surface means that the source of the light beams lies in the magnetosphere, in the realm of the upper Van Allen belt. No doubt, the distance 3920.47km from the Earth's Surface means that the source of the light beams lies in the magnetosphere, in the realm of the lower Van Allen belt. So far, the source of the light beams which people used to describe as 'solar beams' is situated in the magnetosphere. No escape, it is the daytime auroral corona that is simply a result of the capability of the magnetosphere of working as a parabolic mirror able to converge the ionosphere-generated light. At last, if the above explained mathematical evidence even alone isn't thoroughly enough to prove that the source of the daytime 'beam radiation' is factually in the magnetosphere, though people describe them as 'solar rays', thenceforth, science turns out to be a game of kids. Certainly, this evidence is built on an established law that is the inverse square law, on real, trustable accurate measurements, and mathematical application. Doubtlessly, it is a decisively undeniable proof. -
الدورة السنوية للفصول والاعتدالين والانقلابين في تفسير جديد
عطية زاهدة posted a topic in النظريات والأفكار الخاصة
Attiyah's Sun Theory (1) The bulk of the daylight is generated in the ionosphere by two main mechanisms: C- The interaction between the electromagnetic field in the ionosphere and the solar photons conducted by the solar gravitational field lines. D- The aurora-producing mechanism i.e. the same mechanism that generates the polar auroras. (2) The daytime light that is spread between the ionospheric D-layer and the Earth's surface is mainly a scattered light of an ionospheric origin. (3) The ionosphere-produced X-rays and ultraviolet light are the primary origin for the energy needed to drive the global, continuous occurrence of the daytime auroral activities in the ionosphere itself. (4) The global daytime ionosphere-generated light is capable of forming the so-called 'auroral' corona which is apparently the primary source of the so-called solar beam radiation. (5) The Sun always forms a far glowing background for the daytime 'auroral' corona. (6) The formation of the daytime 'auroral' corona and concentration of its light, are both intimately related to the magnetic zenith effect. (7) The earthward spread of the light from the magnetic zenith is intimately governed by the phenomenon of aspect sensitivity. ============================= Explanation of Items: #5, #6, and #7 1) The effect of the solar gravitation on the ionosphere-magnetosphere system, including the ionosphere, is translated into the formation of a superposition of a magnetospheric, sub-solar, parabolic multi-layered bulge. (2) Due to the plasma structure of the ionosphere-magnetosphere system, including the plasmasphere, and their work as mirror machines, the superposition of the sub-solar, parabolic multi-layered bulge can form a superposition of sub-solar, parabolic multi-layered reflector mirror. (3) The superposition of the sub-solar, parabolic multi-layered reflector mirror converges the ionosphere-generated light making 'Sun' appear as a superposition of brilliant multi-layered focus having the appearance of shining concentric disks. (4) Both of the observable brightness of the brilliant concentric disks, and the inclination of their beams, are local time-dependent, and latitude-dependent i.e. seeing 'Sun' is controlled by the aspect sensitivity. Said another way, seeing 'Sun' is somewhat like seeing a pearl or seeing a diamond crystal. (5) The magnetosphere shows an annual north-south swing of a 23.5o amplitude i.e. it completes a periodic yearly oscillation of a 23.5 degrees amplitude across the Equatorial plane. ******* N.B. The plasma has a high refractive index. ******* The Annual 'Swing' of the Magnetosphere across the Equatorial Plane Dealing with what I describe as a periodic annual swing of the magnetosphere, we must remember that the magnetosphere works as a mirror machine capable of capturing the plasma. This "mirror machine" behavior is particularly obvious in the radiation belts. No doubt, the annual swing of the magnetosphere is a result of the annual revolution of the Earth around the body of the Sun. There are many clear evidences which support the annual swing of the magnetosphere. However, the following list can suffice. (1) The low-pitched spiral path. When 'Sun' is observed from the North Pole along the year, it seems following a low-pitched spiral path. This path is very clear between the two equinoxes. From the day of the vernal equinox until the day of summer solstice, 'Sun' seems ascending gradually above the North Pole as if it is drawing or climbing a low-pitched spiral path. From the day next to the summer solstice, 'Sun' seems descending along the same low-pitched spiral path. It continues going down until the day of the autumnal equinox when it sets for six months. (2) The seasonal shifting of the terminal effective boundaries of the trapping radiation belts. (3) The periodic annual variation of the dipole tilt angle. (4) The annual periodic oscillation of the sub-solar magnetosphere bulge. (5) The annual periodic north-south swing of the equatorial ionosphere ledges. (6) The annual periodic north-south movement of the ionosphere electric current systems. (7) The regular annual cycles of the changes which the daytime lengths and nighttime lengths suffer, the annual cycles for the times 'Sun' needs to rise and set relative to each latitude, and the fact that the two hemispheres show these periodic changes alternately. Any way, the annual 'swing' of the magnetosphere across the Equatorial plane can clearly account for the periodicity of seasons, equinoxes, and solstices. N.B. Don't forget that whatever the position of the Earth with respect to the Sun, it is always opposite it like a point opposite a book page. Please find the surface area of the Earth and that of the Sun. How many times is the surface area of the Sun greater than that of the Earth? No doubt, the surface area of the Sun is thousands of times greater than that of the Earth. Such ratio means that if the Sun is the direct, real source of the daylight and the beam radiation the Earth receives, the daylight must be uniformly distributed all over the sunward hemisphere whatever the distance between them, and however the Earth axis is tilted relative to the Sun. Doubtlessly, were the Sun the factual, direct source of the daylight and the beam radiation the Earth receives, the sunward hemisphere should be completely and uniformly immersed in originally Sun-produced light, because wherever the Earth is in front of the Sun, it is just like a dot opposite a football. In short, man dealt with the relation between the Sun size (the supposedly real emitter) and the Earth (the receiver) inversing the ratio of their surface areas. Said another way, man dealt with the emitter (supposedly it is the body of the Sun) opposite the receiver (the Earth) as a dust grain opposite a football. -
Hubble's Law Introduction: What is Hubble's Law? Scientists consider that the dominant motion in the universe is the smooth expansion known as Hubble's Law. It can be stated as: Recessional Velocity of the galaxy= Hubble's constant times distance to the galaxy V = Ho D Where: V is the observed velocity of the galaxy away from us, usually in km/sec H is Hubble's "constant", in km/sec/Mpc D is the distance to the galaxy in Mpc In other terms, Hubble's law is a statement of a direct correlation (direct proportionality) between the distance to a galaxy from the Earth and its recessional velocity as determined by the red shift. Please do not forget for any moment that the recessional velocity of the galaxy is measured by the Doppler red shift of the spectral lines of the intended galaxy. So far, we can simply conclude that unless the measured redshift is completely due to the intended galaxy itself, Hubble's law couldn't be right. Said another way, Hubble's law can turn out to be right if and only if the observed redshift attributed to the intended galaxy is in complete due to the relative motion between the Earth and the intended galaxy itself. Therefore, Hubble's law will turn out to be wrong if the redshift attributed to the intended galaxy is not caused completely by such a relative motion. Expressed in other words, Hubble's law becomes wrong immediately if it is proven that any significant ratio of the redshift of the intended galaxy is due to another agent other than the relative motion. Really, you still remember that in order to apply Hubble's law (V = Ho D), scientists must measure the redshift of the galaxy so as to determine its recessional velocity with respect to the Earth. In short, to demonstrate that Hubbe's law is wrong all that we need is to prove that a significant ratio of its redshift is acquired from other sources other than the relative motion. Please let us see that this is the factual situation. ??????? The 'event horizon'-caused redshift is saying: goodbye, Hubble's law! For our purpose which is to show that Hubble's law is not right, it suffices to deal with two probabilities: (First) The intended galaxy might be in the upper layer of overlapping layers of galaxies which might permit the passage of light when the relative positions of their stars are arranged such that they let a path for the passage of the light from the uppermost galaxy all the way to the outside of the lowermost one. In such a case the light from the same intended galaxy is probably liable to enter an 'event horizon' of one of black holes whether these holes belong to the galaxies themselves or are dispersed among them. Such a light becomes sucked in and will not reach the Earth for ever. But when the light from the intended galaxy passes close to an 'event horizon' of one of the black holes, it inevitably suffers a great amount of the redshift. As well as, the passage of the light through such overlapping layers of galaxies, especially if they are massive ones, will expose it to a series of gravitational lensing which adds a significant deal of redshift. (Second) The intended galaxy might be at the farthest end of a 'space pipe' such that there are many black holes around the pipe in a manner such the light from the uppermost galaxy might pass close to one or more of the "event horizons' belonging to these black holes whether they belong to the galaxies or are dispersed among them. In such a case the light becomes subjected to be strongly redshfited. As well as, the passage of the light through such overlapping layers of galaxies, especially if they are massive ones, will expose it to a series of gravitational lensing which adds a significant deal of redshift. Well, such probabilities are real and greatly strong such that they are certainly found in the universe. So far, as long as the galactic light is subject to an extremely strong probability to pass close to, at least, one of the 'event horizons' spread in its path toward the Earth, it must be immensely redshifted. Taking for granted that the relative motion between the Earth and the galaxy is due to both of the Earth's motions and the galaxy's motions, say its recession from the Earth, the redshift due to such a relative motion cannot at all be competitive to the 'event horizon'-caused redshift the light of the same galaxy might suffer while in its path toward the Earth. Anyway, unless three redshifts are excluded, Hubble's law cannot be right, at all. These three redshifts are: 1- The gravitational redshift caused by the galaxy itself, especially if it is so massive, or densely compact. 2- The gravitational redshift caused by the gravitational lensing. 3- The 'event horizon'-caused redshift. However, it is worthwhile mentioning again that whatever the galaxy's redshift due to the relative motion between the Earth and this galaxy itself, it couldn't at all compete with its horizon'-caused redshift. At last, the 'event horizon'-caused redshift must drive scientists to say: goodbye, Hubble's law! ******* Attiyah's Declaration By his virtue as a layman with so little knowledge of cosmology, Aattiyah Zahdeh on the day of 15th March, 2011, declares with every certainty and full self-confidence, but with the highest degree of unpretentiousness, that Hubble's law is wrong and all the information acquired by its application should be revised. ******* In which case is Hubble's law probable to be acceptable? Hubble's law is probable to be acceptable if and only if the universe has an amoeba-like configuration such that: 1- The Milky Way corresponds to its nucleus. 2- The Earth is positioned on the surface of the Milky Way. 3- The periMilky-Way space corresponds to its cytoplasm. 4- There is no more than one layer of other galaxies all of which are positioned such that they form a 'universal membrane' i.e. the thickness of this 'universal membrane' is only one galaxy. N.B. amoeba is a unicellular organism that possesses pseudopodia. ******** Attiyah's Ten Universal Impossibilities Due to the reality and effectiveness of the 'gravitational lensing' and, hence, the reality of the gravitational redshift, it necessarily turns out that all the astronomical and cosmological information based on Hubble's law cannot be right. Accordingly, unless we find a trustable alternative for Hubble's law itself, we will continue standing in front of the following inevitable impossibilities: 1- The impossibility of even an approximate estimation of the age of the universe. 2- The impossibility of even an approximate estimation of the volume of the universe or its extensions. 3- The impossibility of knowing whether the universe is expanding or contracting. 4- The impossibility of forming any acceptable theory pertaining to the beginning of the universe. 5- The impossibility of even an approximate estimation of the velocities of the galaxies. 6- The impossibility of even an approximate estimation of the distances of the galaxies. 7- The impossibility of even an approximate estimation of the masses of the galaxies. 8- The impossibility of reaching even an approximate estimation of the temperatures of the galaxies. 9- The impossibility of proving that Hubble's law is probable to be right. 10- The impossibility of the success of any computerized simulation concerning the cosmology.
أخي الكريم"ع ع" ، بارك الله فيك وزادك عافية ومثابرة بالنسبة لكتاب "التفسير الغائب" فإنه غير منشور بعد.
وزينا السماء الدنيا بمصابيح
عطية زاهدة replied to ع ع's topic in النجوم والأجرام الفلكية السحيقة (سدم ، مجرات، عناقيد نجمية، كوازارات، ....)
http://qasweb.org/qasforum/index.php?showt...amp;#entry49544 -
هل السماء الدنيا هي الأيونوسفير ionosphere؟ لقد عيّن القرآن الكريم أن السماء الدنيا هي موضع انطلاق الشهب، وذلك في ثلاث آيات؛ إذْ حصرَ ظهورَ الشهبِ فيها، وذلك صراحةً في اثنتيْنِ، وضمناً في الثالثةِ: 1- "ولقد زينا السماءَ الدنيا بمصابيحَ وجعلناها رجوماً للشياطينِ" (الملك: 5). 2- "إنّا زيّنّا السماءَ الدنيا بزينةٍ الكواكبِ (6) وحفظاً من كلِّ شيطانٍ ماردٍ (7) لا يسَّمَّعونَ إلى الملإ الأعلى ويُقْذَفونَ مِنْ كلِّ جانبٍ (8) دُحوراً ولهمْ عذابٌ واصبٌ (9) إلّا مَنْ خَطِفَ الخطفةَ فأتبَعَهُ شهابٌ ثاقبٌ (10) [سورة الصافّات]. 3- "وأنّا لمسنا السماءَ فوجدناها مُلِئتْ حرَساً شديداً وشُهُباً (8) وأنَّا كنّا نقعُدُ منها مقاعدَ للسمعِ فمَنْ يستمعِ الآنَ يجدْ له شهاباً رصداً(9)[سورة الجن]. ومن البدهيِّ أنَّ اللمسَ يكون بمسِّ سطحِ الشيءِ وظاهرِهِ، أي بمسِّ الطبقةَ الأولِى منه، ولا ريْبَ أنَّ الطبقَةَ الأولى من السماءِ بالنسبةِ للثقليْنِ، للجنِّ والإنس، هي السماءُ الدنيا. فأيّ حيّزٍ من الفضاء هو السماء الدنيا حيث تحدث الشهب؟ قد ثبتَ علميّاً بشكلٍ لا مريةَ فيه أن الشهب لا تظهر ولا تنطلق إلاّ في الأيونوسفير بطبقاته الثلاث، أي في الفضاءِ من فوق الأرض المحتلِّ لارتفاع معدّله من نحو 60كم أو 70كم إلى 1000كم تقريباً، وهي من الأسفل إلى الأعلى: D-layer ، و E-layer ، و F-layer . وبناء على هذا، فالأيونوسفير هو السماء الدنيا. ويعزّز هذا الاستنتاجَ أن الأيونوسفير نفسَهُ ذو خصائص تمكنه من إصدار الضوء، أي إن الأيونوسفير مؤهل بخصائصه وبتركيبه ليقوم بمهمّة المصابيح؛ وهذا واضح من الضياء الدائب فيه، ليلاً ونهاراً، والمعروف باسم : "الوهج الجويّ" airglow، ومن ظاهرة الأفجار القطبيّة polar auroras، وبخاصّة الإهليلجان الأوروريّان auroral ovals الشماليّ والجنوبيّ. وكلٌّ إهليلج أوروريّ عبارة عن كعكة doughnut من ضياء الفجر القطبيِّ، وهي كعكة متغيّرة الحجم موجودة دائماً في أيونوسفير سماء المنطقة القطبيّةِ، واحدة في الشماليّة والأخرى في الجنوبيّة. وعلى هذا، فالأيونوسفير طبقة مزيّنة بمصابيح، وهي نفسها مسرح الشهب أيضاً. ومن الجدير بالذكر أن أنشط منطقة أيونوسفيريّةٍ في توليد الأفجار القطبيّة هي طبقة E-layer، وهي نفسها مسرح النسبة الكبرى من النشاطات الشهابيّةِ. وإذا أخذنا قول الله تعالى: "ولقد زيّنّا السماءَ الدنيا بمصابيحَ وجعلناها رجوماً للشياطينِ" (الملك: 5)، فإننا نجد في تفسير القرطبيِّ أن الضمير في "وجعلناها" راجعٌ إلى السماءِ، وأنَّ هناك حذفاً للمضافِ، والتقدير هوَ : (وجعلنا شهبَها رُجوماً للشياطينِ). وأمّا الإمام الرازيّ فقد ذهب في تفسيره الكبير "مفاتيح الغيب" إلى أن المجعول رجوماً للشياطين هو المصابيحُ أنفُسُها، أي إنه قد اعتبر أن الضمير في "وجعلناها" عائد على المصابيح. ولا ريْبَ أن عودة الضمير على المصابيح، وهي آخر مذكور قبل الضمير والأقرب إليه، تعني أنه يوجد في السماء الدنيا نفسِها ما يولّدُ شهباً ونوراً، أي إن الفضاء الذي من فوق الأرض حيث تتولّد الشهب يتمُّ فيه نفسِهِ توليد ضياء أيضاً. وبلغة أخرى، فإن الأخذ بعودة الضمير في "وجعلناها" على المصابيح معناه في النهاية أنه يوجد فوق الأرض طبق يتم في فضائه أو حيّزه توليد الشهب وتوليد نور، أي إن الطريقة التي يتمُّ بها توليد الشهب تُولِّدُ ضياءً أيضاً. وبناء على ما هو مقرّر جيوفيزيائيّاً من ارتباط ضياء الأفجار القطبيّة بالتفريغات الكهربائيّة ومن جريانها في الأيونوسفير، فإن ظهور الشهب في الأيونوسفير نفسِهِ لهو مما يعني أن هذا الظهور هو الآخر مرتبط بالتفريغات الكهربائيّةِ.
هل نظرية الانفجار العظيم مسروقة؟
عطية زاهدة posted a topic in نشأة الكون ونهايته وهيئته (الكوسمولوجيا)
هل فكرة نظرية الانفجار العظيم مسروقة من العهد القديم؟ جاء في التفسير الكبير، تفسير "مفاتيح الغيب" للإمام الرازي، رحمه الله تعالى، في تفسير الآية: {أَوَلَمْ يَرَ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوۤاْ أَنَّ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلأَرْضَ كَانَتَا رَتْقاً فَفَتَقْنَاهُمَا وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ ٱلْمَآءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ أَفَلاَ يُؤْمِنُونَ} (الأنبياء: 30)،– جاء: "وثالثها: أن اليهود والنصارى كانوا عالمين بذلك؛ فإنه جاء في التوراة إن الله تعالى خلق جوهرة، ثم نظر إليها بعين الهيبة فصارت ماء، ثم خلق السموات والأرض منها وفتق بينها. وكان بين عبدة الأوثان وبين اليهود نوع صداقة بسبب الاشتراك في عداوة محمد ،صلى الله عليه وسلم، فاحتج الله تعالى عليهم بهذه الحجة بناء على أنهم يقبلون قول اليهود في ذلك"... أفليست الجوهرة جرماً واحداً؟ أفليست الجوهرة جرماً يكاد ينعدم حجماً؟ -
بارك الله فيك يا ذا العينين. وأذكرك بقول الله تعالى : "والنهار إذا جلّاها" .. فهو قسم بأن النهار يجلّي الشمس.
قالَ اللهُ تعالى في كتابِهِ الكريمِ: "إِنَّ رَبَّكُمُ اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ فِي سِتَّةِ أَيَّامٍ ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى عَلَى العَرْشِ يُغْشِي اللَّيْلَ النَّهَارَ يَطْلُبُهُ حَثِيثاً" {الأعراف:54}. فماذا في قولِ اللهِ تعالى: "يُغْشِي اللَّيْلَ النَّهَارَ يَطْلُبُهُ حَثِيثاً"..؟ تبيّنَ للإنسانِ من رحلاتِ المناطيدِ التي ارتفعت إلى عشراتِ آلافِ الأقدامِ فوقَ الأرضِ، أنَّ قبةَ ضياءِ النهارِ منتشرةٌ إلى علوٍّ محدودٍ، وأنَّ الفضاءَ بينَ نهايةِ هذا الضياءِ، وبينَ الشمسِ، يسودُهُ دوماً ظلامٌ دامسٌ. وعندما دارَ الروسيُّ "يوري غاغارين" في العامِ 1961م في الفضاءِ على ارتفاعِ نحوِ 250كم من سطحِ الأرضِ، في طبقةٍ من الأيونوسفيرِ تُعرفُ باسم: F1-layer، وهي نفسُها التي يدور فيها المكّوكُ الفضائيُّ، فقد تأكّدَ للناسِ أنَّ النهارَ منحصرٌ في طبقةٍ رقيقةٍ فوقَ الأرضِ؛ إذ كان "غاغارين" يدورُ حولَ الأرضِ ممتطياً "ظَهْرَ النهارِ"، الذي يكادُ يتركّزُ في الطُّبَيْقيْنِ الأسفليْنِ من الأيونوسفير، وهما: D-layer (تقريباً من ارتفاع60كم إلى90كم) و E-layer (تقريباً من ارتفاع 90 إلى 150كم)، وكان يوجد من فوقِ النهار "ليلٌ" على الرّغمِ من ظهورِ الشمسِ. ومن المفيد هنا أن نتذكّرَ أنَّ معدَّلَ بعدِ الشمسِ عنِ الأرضِ نحوُ 150 مليونَ كيلومتر. وسمكُ الأيونوسفيرِ كاملاً يقاربُ ألفاً من الكيلومترات: فهو يحتلُّ حيّزَهُ في السماءِ منَ ارتفاعِ نحوِ 60كم إلى نحوِ 1000كم عن سطحِ الأرضِ. وهكذا، فقد ظهرَ للناسِ أنَّ النهارَ في "عزِّ النهارِ"، أثناءَ النهارِ، طوالَ النهارِ، ما هو فوقَ الأرضِ إلّا غشاءٌ من النورِ رقيقٌ نسبيّاً، وأنَّ هذا الغشاءَ المنيــرَ مغشوٌّ بالليلِ دوماً: "يُغشي الليلَ النهارَ" ، وفي قراءةٍ أخرى : "يَغشى الليلُ النهارَ". حقّاً، لقد بيّنَتِ الآيةُ الكريمةُ أنَّ "النهارَ"، أثناءَ النهارِ، مغشوٌّ بالليلِ دوماً، مغشوٌّ بالظلامِ دَأَباً، على الرغم من ظهورِ الشمسِ وعدمِ انحجابِها بأيِّ غيمٍ. ومن أجلِ تجليةِ المعنى السابقِ نقرأُ قولَ الله تعالى: "وآيةٌ لهمُ الليلُ نسلخُ منه النهارَ فإذا هم مُظْلِمون" (يس:37) .. فالنهارُ هنا، حيّزُ النهارِ في السماءِ، أي الحيّزُ الذي فيه عواملُ توليدِ النهارِ، ينسلخُ ليلاً. وهذا يتضمّنُ إشارةً إلى أنَّ النهارَ "جلدٌ" من ضياءٍ، كأنَّه بالنسبةِ للناظرينَ إلى السماءِ من الأرضِ "ظهارةٌ" لِلّيلِ الذي من فوقِهِ، أو حتّى كأنَّهُ بطانةٌ لهذا الليلِ. وكما سبقَ فإنَّ تركيزَ ضياءِ النهارِ يكادُ ينحصرُ في الجزءِ الأسفلِ من الأيونوسفير (60كم إلى 150كم)، أي في طُبَيْقِ D-layer ، وفي طُبَيْقِ E-layer. وهذانِ الطُّبَيْقانِ ينسلخانِ في الليلِ. وهذا الانسلاخُ يتمثلُ في تفرُّغِهما من معظمِ الأيونات، أي الجسيمات المشحونة، التي كانتْ تملؤهما نهاراً، ويتمثّلُ أيضاً في تضاؤلِ شدّةِ التيّارات الكهربائيّةِ الجاريةِ فيهما. وقد تبيّنَ لعلماءِ الجيوفيزياءِ أنَّ توليدَ ضياءِ الأفجارِ القطبيِّةِ AURORAS يتمُّ في الأيونوسفير، ويتركّزُ على الأغلب في طُبَيْقِ D-layer ، وفي طُبَيْقِ .E-layer وعند تصويرِ ما يسمّى: "الإهليلج الأوروريّ" auroral oval من فوقِه، أي من فوق الأرضِ على ارتفاع آلاف الكيلومترات كما تفعل المركبة المسمّاة: "القطبيّة" Polar ، أو كما فعل "مستكشف الديناميكيّات" الفضائيّةِ Dynamics Explorer، فإنَّ قبّةَ النهار تكون مُسامِيةً لارتفاع هذا الإهليلجِ، إهليلجِ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ، أي إنَّ لقبّةِ النهار نفسَ الارتفاع الذي للإهليلج الأوروريِّ، وتصدرُ من هذه القبّةِ نفسُ الأطيافِ غيرِ المرئيّةِ التي يتمُّ بها تصويرُ الإهليلج الأوروريِّ بسبب صدورِها منه. ويُلاحَظُ أنه عندَ تضخُّمِ واتساع إهليلج الأفجار القطبيّةِ، وازديادِ شدّةِ الأطياف غيرِ المرئيّةِ الصادرةِ منه والتي يتمُّ التصوير بها، وهي أشعةٌ فوقَ بنفسجيّةٍ - يُلاحظُ - أنَّ قبّةَ النهار تتضخّمُ أيضاً، وتزدادُ شدةُ إصداراتِها من تلكَ الأطيافِ فوقَ البنفسجيّةِ غيرِ المرئيّةِ، وكلُّ ذلكَ يجري فيهما بالتزامنِ. أمَّا "الإهليلج الفجريُّ" auroral oval فهو عبارةٌ عن "كعكةِ" doughnutأو "حَوِيّةِِ" ضياءِ الأفجار القطبيّةِ التي تظهر عادةً في سماءِ المنطقةِ القطبيّةِ، وبلغةٍ أخرى فالإهليلج الفجري هو "عَجَلٌ" من ضياء يشكّلُ على مدار الساعةِ حلقةً ringفي أيونوسفير السماءِ القطبيّةِ، وهوَ قابلٌ للانتفاخِ والانكماشِ، فقد يصلُ اتساعُهُ أحياناً بحيثُ تُشاهدُ الأوروراتُ حتّى المناطقِ المداريّةِ، بلْ ودونَها باتجاهِ خطِّ الاستواء. وكذلكَ فقد تبيّنَ لعلماء الجيوفيزياء: (1) أنَّ ضياءَ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ (مقدارَ التألُّقِ) يتناسبُ طرديّاً مع شدةِ التيّارات الكهربائيّةِ في الأيونوسفير. (2) وأنَّ ضياءَ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ (مقدارَ التألُّقِ) يتناسبُ أيضاً طرديّاً مع تركيز وكثافة الجسيمات المشحونة في الأيونوسفير وبخاصةٍ في طُبَيْقِ D-layer ، وفي طُبَيْقِ E-layer أنفُسِهما. (3) وأنَّ ضياءَ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ (مقدارَ التألُّقِ) يرتبط بمقدار الجسيماتِ المشحونةِ التي تتساقط وتنهملُ على الأيونوسفير. وهذه العواملُ الثلاثةُ التي يرتبط بها توليدُ ومقدارُ تألُّقِ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ موجودةٌ طوالَ النهارِ في أيونسفيرِ كلِّ خطوطِ العرضِ من خطِّ الاستواءِ حتّى القطب، وليست حكراً على المناطقِ القطبيةِ التي اشتهرتْ تقليديّاً بظهورِ الأفجارِ القطبيةِ في سمائها الليليةِ. وقد حسبَ العلماءُ لفترةٍ طويلةٍ أنَّ الأفجارَ القطبيّةَ ظاهرةٌ ليليّةٌ منحصرةٌ في المناطقِ القطبيّةِ، ثمَّ تبيّنَ أنها حاصلةٌ على مدارِ الساعةِ، أيْ إنّها تحدثُ في المناطقِ القطبيّةِ أيضاً أثناءَ النهارِ. وعلى الرّغمِ من هذا، وبالرّغمِ من وجودِ عواملِ توليدِها في كلِّ الأيونوسفيرِ النهاريِّ، فإنَّهم لم يستنتجوا أنّها عالميّةٌ فوقَ كلِّ خطوطِ العرضِ. وإذا رجعنا إلى قول الله تعالى : "يُغشي الليلَ النهارَ يطلبُهُ حثيثاً"، فإنَّه يمكن أن نحكم منه على أنَّ النهارَ، وهو ذلكَ الضياءُ المنتشرُ في الأيونوسفيرِ "نهاراً"، يتمُّ توليدُهُ بطريقةِ توليدِ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ نفسِها. فكيف نستدلُّ على ذلك من "يُغشي الليلَ النهارَ يطلبُهُ حثيثاً"؟ .. 1- لقد ثبتَ أنَّ الليلَ يغشى النهارَ طوالَ فترةِ النهارِ. 2- وعلمنا أنَّ عوامل تكوين الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ موجودة في كلِّ أيونوسفيرِ النهارِ من خطِّ الاستواءِ حتّى القطبِ. 3- وعلمنا أنَّ تساقطَ الجسيماتِ المشحونةِ أو هملانَها precipitation أحدُ تلك العواملِ التي ترتبطُ به الأفجارُ القطبيّةُ، وأنَّ هذا التساقطَ يحدثُ طوالَ النهار فوقَ أيونوسفيرِ كلِّ خطوطِ العرضِ. ومن المعروف أنَّ الجسيماتِ المشحونةَ التي تتساقطُ فوقَ الأيونوسفيرِ تأتي من فوقِهِ من الماغنيتوسفيرِ magnetosphere، وهذا الماغنيتوسفيرُ (المكوّرةُ المغناطيسيّةُ) يسودُهُ الظلامُ والشمسُ ظاهرةٌ بازغةٌ، أي إنَّ الجسيماتِ المشحونةَ كهربائيّاً والمتساقطةَ على الأيونوسفير والتي يرتبطُ بها خروجُ الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ auroras تأتي من "ليلٍ" يغشى "النهارَ".. وبعبارةٍ أخرى، فإنَّ "الليلَ" يُخرِجُ ضياءَ النهارِ بحثيثِ، أو حثحثةِ، جسيماتٍ مشحونةٍ منهُ على الحيّزِ الذي يتجلّى فيه ضياءُ النهار، أي بهَملان جسيْماتٍ تأتي من الماغنيتوسفيرِ كأنَّها تتساقطُ من تنخيلِ مناخلَ، أو من غربلةِ غرابيلَ. فهل قولُ اللهِ تعالى: "يطلبُهُ حثيثاً" يحملُ هذا المعنى؟ نعم، يحملُهُ بكل جلاءٍ. أولاً- "يطلبُهُ" تأتي بمعنى : يُخرجُهُ. والشاهد على ذلك قولُ الله تعالى من سورة الكهفِ : "أو يصبحَ ماؤها غَوْراً فلَنْ تستطيعَ لهُ طلباً" .. أي فلن تستطيع له إخراجاً. ثانياً- "حثيثاً" تأتي وتعني : حثحثةً، أي بشكلِ حثحثةٍ. والحثحثةُ هي تساقطُ الجسيماتِ من المنخلِ وأشباهِهِ. ويستعملُ علماءُ الجيوفيزياءِ كلمةَ "الهملانِ" أو "التساقطِ" تعبيراً عن حثيثِ الجسيماتِ المشحونةِ على الأيونوسفيرِ، ويعتبرون أنّ هذا التساقطَ شبيهٌ بعمليّةِ الانتخالِ، أي شبيهٌ بالتساقطِ من منخلٍ أو غِربال sieve، بل وشبيه بعملية سقوط المطر أو خروج الودْقِ من السحابِ، حتّى إنهم يسمّون تساقطَ الجسيمات المشحونة على أيونوسفير المناطق القطبية باسم : "المطر القطبي" polar rain. ويستعملُ العربُ الحثيثَ والحثحثةَ لوصفِ تساقطِ البَرَدِ وقطراتِ المطرِ من الغيوم، أي هوَ عندهم انتخالٌ يرافقُ ويصاحبُ اضطرابَ الغيومِ بالبُروقِ. وباختصارٍ، يستعمل العربُ الحثيثَ والحثحثةَ في حقِّ عمليّاتِ التساقطِ والانتخالِ من الغيوم، وما يصاحبُ ذلك من البروقِ والاضطرابات. ولا ريْبَ أنَّ الأفجارَ القطبيّةَ ترتبطُ بانتخالِ الجسيماتِ، وبتساقطِها على الأيونوسفيرِ، وبما يتبعُ ذلك من تفريغاتٍ كهربائيّةٍ مُبرقةٍ في غمامِ الأيونوسفير، وبخاصّةٍ حينما تتكوَّنُ الكِسَفُ البلازميّةُ والغمامُ الأيونيُّ في طُبَيقِ E-layer، وهو ما يُعرفُ باسم: sporadic E-layer، أي المتكسِّفُ أوْ ذو الكِسَفِ، وبما يرافقُ ذلك منَ اضطراباتٍ جيومغناطيسيّةٍ. وفوق هذا وذاك، فالحثُّ الكهربائيُّ induction معروفٌ، ولا ريْبَ أنَّ بعضّ طباق الماغنيتوسفير تقومُ بوظيفةِ المِحثِّ inductor. واعتماداً على كلِّ ما سبقَ فقولُ الله تعالى: "يُغشي الليلَ النهارَ يطلبُهُ حثيثاً" يعني أنَّ الليلَ الذي يغشى النهارَ يُخرِجُ ضياءَ هذا النهارِ حثيثاً – أيْ يُخرج الضياءَ المنشورَ diffuse في عمليةِ حثيثٍ، في حثٍّ وحثحثةٍ، في عمليةِ هملانٍ وتساقطٍ precipitation للجسيماتِ المشحونةِ، وتفريغاتٍ كهربائيةٍ تجري في غمامٍ من البلازما وَكِسَفٍ من الأيونات، وهو يشبهُ ما يحدثُ في الغيوم من انتخالِها، ومن حدوثِ الهملانِ والتساقطِ، مع ما يصاحبُ ذلك من البروقِ والاضطرابات المغناطيسيّةِ. وإذا أردتَ أن ترى كيف أنَّ الشمس "تتقنّعُ" أو "تتبرقعُ" بإكليلٍ من الأفجارِ القطبيّةِ النهاريّةِ الدائبةِ، فشاهدْها حينَ الشروقِ وحينَ الغروب. وكيْ تكونَ مطمئنّاً فقارنْ بين صورٍ للشمس وهيَ على أفق الشروقِ أو أفُقِ الغروبِ، وبين صورِ الأكاليلِ الأورويّةِ، وعندها ستحكمُ أنَّ في وجهِ الشمسِ إكليلاً أوروريّاً.. إنَّها "المليحةُ" في خِمارٍ شفّافٍ أبيضِ! http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap041109.html http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap020115.html http://media.skyandtelescope.com/images/Corona_l.jpg http://www.spacew.com/gallery/image004202-thumb.jpg =========== من كتاب : "التفسير الغائب" - عطية زاهدة