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About badwisoft

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  1. السلام عليكم عند محاولتي التعامل مع اجهزة تحديد المواقع GPS وفي نفس الوقت بناء برنامج لحساب اوقات الصلاة واتجاه القبلة احتجت الى بعض الوظائف الغير موجودة في Visual Basic 6 او Visual Basic ,NET وقد يحتاج الكثيرون هذه المعادلات سواء لحساب اوقات الصلاة او غيرها ضع الكود التالية في ما يسمى Module Option Explicit Public Type Vector2D x As Single y As Single End Type Public Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979 'Tan(1) * 180 Public Const D2R As Double = 1 / (180 * PI) Public Const R2D As Double = 180 * PI Public Const TwoPi As Single = 6.2831853071795 Public Const ThreePiByTwo As Single = 4.71238898038469 Public Const PiByTwo As Single = 1.5707963267949 Private dX As Long Private dY As Long Public Function ArcCos(A As Double) As Double 'Inverse Cosine On Error Resume Next If A = 1 Then ArcCos = 0 Exit Function End If ArcCos = Atn(-A / Sqr(-A * A + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1) On Error GoTo 0 End Function Public Function ArcSin(x As Double) As Double 'Inverse Sine On Error Resume Next ArcSin = Atn(x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) On Error GoTo 0 End Function Public Function ArcTan(x As Double) As Double 'Inverse Tangent On Error Resume Next ArcTan = Atn(x) * (180 / PI) On Error GoTo 0 End Function Public Function DegToRad(Degrees As Single) As Single 'DegToRad = Degrees / 180 * Pi DegToRad = Degrees * D2R End Function Public Function DotProduct2D(FirstVector As Vector2D, SecondVector As Vector2D) As Single 'Calculates the dotproduct 'Calculate the DotProduct based on FX*SX + FY*SY DotProduct2D = (FirstVector.x * SecondVector.x) + (FirstVector.y * SecondVector.y) 'If DotProduct2D = 0 Then DotProduct2D = 1 -> replaced by: If DotProduct2D = 0 Then DotProduct2D = 1 End If End Function Public Function GetAngle(P As Vector2D, Q As Vector2D) As Single 'Get the angle of 2 vectors, note: 'always assume that the third vector(the origin of the angle) of the 2 vectors is 0, if not it will return odd results Dim tmpAngle As Single tmpAngle = ArcCos(DotProduct2D(P, Q) / (VectorLength2D(Q) * VectorLength2D(P))) GetAngle = RadToDeg(tmpAngle) If Not Sgn(P.x) = Sgn(Q.y) Then GetAngle = 0 - GetAngle End If End Function Public Function GetDifferenceAngle(ByVal sourceAngle As Single, ByVal targetAngle As Single) As Single 'get the difference between the source angle and the target angle (in radians) GetDifferenceAngle = targetAngle - sourceAngle Do While GetDifferenceAngle > PI GetDifferenceAngle = GetDifferenceAngle - TwoPi Loop Do While GetDifferenceAngle < -PI GetDifferenceAngle = GetDifferenceAngle + TwoPi Loop End Function Public Function GetDirection(ByVal xVelocity As Long, ByVal yVelocity As Long) As Single Dim Direction As Single If yVelocity < 0 Then Direction = PI + Atn(xVelocity / yVelocity) ElseIf yVelocity > 0 Then Direction = Atn(xVelocity / yVelocity) If Direction < 0 Then Direction = Direction + TwoPi End If ElseIf xVelocity <= 0 Then Direction = ThreePiByTwo Else Direction = PiByTwo End If GetDirection = Direction End Function Public Function GetDistance(CurX As Long, CurY As Long, NewX As Long, NewY As Long) As Long dX = NewX - CurX dY = NewY - CurY GetDistance = Sqr(dX * dX + dY * dY) End Function Public Function GetSpeed(ByVal xVelocity As Long, ByVal yVelocity As Long) As Single GetSpeed = Sqr(xVelocity ^ 2 + yVelocity ^ 2) End Function Public Function GetVectorPositionFromAngle(Position As Vector2D, Angle As Double, Steps As Double) As Vector2D 'Calculate a new position based on an old position, an angle, and steps GetVectorPositionFromAngle.x = Position.x + Round(Steps * Cos(Angle)) GetVectorPositionFromAngle.y = Position.y + Round(Steps * Sin(Angle)) End Function Public Function GetVelocityX(ByVal Speed As Long, ByVal Direction As Single) As Long GetVelocityX = Speed * Sin(Direction) End Function Public Function GetVelocityY(ByVal Speed As Long, ByVal Direction As Single) As Long GetVelocityY = Speed * Cos(Direction) End Function Public Function IsInTriangle2D(Position As Vector2D, FirstVector As Vector2D, SecondVector As Vector2D, ThirdVector As Vector2D) As Boolean 'Checks if a point is inside or outside a triangle Dim bc As Double Dim ca As Double Dim ab As Double Dim ap As Double Dim bp As Double Dim cp As Double Dim abc As Double bc = SecondVector.x * ThirdVector.y - SecondVector.y * ThirdVector.x ca = ThirdVector.x * FirstVector.y - ThirdVector.y * FirstVector.x ab = FirstVector.x * SecondVector.y - FirstVector.y * SecondVector.x ap = FirstVector.x * Position.y - FirstVector.y * Position.x bp = SecondVector.x * Position.y - SecondVector.y * Position.x cp = ThirdVector.x * Position.y - ThirdVector.y * Position.x abc = Sgn(bc + ca + ab) If (abc * (bc - bp + cp) > 0) And (abc * (ca - cp + ap) > 0) And (abc * (ab - ap + bp) > 0) Then IsInTriangle2D = True End If End Function Public Function RadToDeg(Radians As Single) As Single 'RadToDeg = Radians * 180 / Pi RadToDeg = Radians * R2D End Function Public Function VectorAddition2D(FirstVector As Vector2D, SecondVector As Vector2D) As Vector2D 'Returns two vectors added together With VectorAddition2D 'Add .x = FirstVector.x + SecondVector.x .y = FirstVector.y + SecondVector.y End With End Function Public Function VectorDistance2D(FirstVector As Vector2D, SecondVector As Vector2D) As Single 'Calculates the length based on Phytagoras theory VectorDistance2D = VectorLength2D(VectorSubtract2D(FirstVector, SecondVector)) End Function Public Function VectorLength2D(Vector As Vector2D) As Single 'Calculates the length based on Phytagoras theory VectorLength2D = Sqr((Vector.x ^ 2) + (Vector.y ^ 2)) End Function Public Function VectorNormalize2D(Vector As Vector2D) As Vector2D 'Returns a vector with a length of one, but still in the same direction Dim VecLength As Single VecLength = VectorLength2D(Vector) 'If VecLength = 0 Then VecLength = 1 -> replaced by: If VecLength = 0 Then VecLength = 1 End If With VectorNormalize2D .x = Vector.x / VecLength .y = Vector.y / VecLength End With End Function Public Function VectorSubtract2D(FirstVector As Vector2D, SecondVector As Vector2D) As Vector2D 'Returns the FirstVector subtracted by the SecondVector With VectorSubtract2D 'Subtract the vectors .x = FirstVector.x - SecondVector.x .y = FirstVector.y - SecondVector.y End With End Function لاستخدام نفس الوحدة النمطية في Visual Basic .NET لاتنسى تغيير بعض اسماء الوظائف مثل SQR الى SQRT Atn الى Atan Sgn الى Sign بالتوفيق